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KApro releases sixteen new libraries for the Korg KRONOS

Sixteen new titles from sound developers KApro are now available for immediate download and purchase. Fourteen EXs sample libraries include digital and analog synths (plus a dedicated “talking synths” library!), orchestral mallets and plucked strings, and a massive collection of pianos, including early pianos as used by Mozart and Chopin and a set of six “Rock and Pop Grand” libraries. Plus, two KRS libraries feature synth pads and leads, respectively, using the astonishing sound-generation capabilities of the KRONOS’s EXi.

All the new KApro libraries are on sale at introductory prices until October 31st, 2014. For details and audio demos, please check out the KRONOS Sound Libraries site.

About KApro: KApro (“Kurt Ader Productions”) is the new company of Kurt Ader, founder and primary sound designer of KARO Sound Development. Working closely with Dr. Peter Jung, KAPro offers high-quality sound libraries for the Korg KRONOS.

  • EXs30 KApro Klavier : $99

  • EXs31 KApro Mozart Grand : $179

  • EXs32 KApro Rock & Pop Grand 1 : $99

  • EXs33 KApro Rock & Pop Grand 2 : $99

  • EXs34 KApro Rock & Pop Grand 3 : $99

  • EXs35 KApro Rock & Pop Grand 4 : $99

  • EXs36 KApro Rock & Pop Grand 5 : $99

  • EXs37 KApro Rock & Pop Grand 6 : $99

  • EXs38 KApro Talking Synths & Computers : $149

  • EXs39 KApro Symphonic Dreams 1 : $149

  • EXs70 KApro Chopin Piano : $179

  • EXs71 KApro East German Grand : $179

  • EXs78 KApro Dynosaur 1 : $89

  • EXs79 KApro Digital Dreams 2 : $129

  • KRS-74 KApro Dream E-Motion : $14

  • KRS-75 KApro Massive Leads : $19


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