KORG has released a free KRS library.

KRS-08 Best of TRITON
(USD $0.00)
Contents: 128 Programs
Looking to the past, present and future Korg's KRS-08 “Best of TRITON” sound bank provides 128 programs converted from TRITON programs for the KRONOS including KARMA + Drum Track assignments.
KApro has released a new EXs library set: “Legendary Rock & Pop Grands”, a new EXs library and a new bundle package.

KApro Legendary Rock & Pop Grands
(USD $29.00)
EXs273 KApro Legendary Rock & Pop Grands part 1
EXs274 KApro Legendary Rock & Pop Grands part 2
EXs275 KApro Legendary Rock & Pop Grands part 3
EXs276 KApro Legendary Rock & Pop Grands part 4
Contents: Approximately 7.25 GB of PCM samples (needs approximately 256 MB of Virtual Memory), 256 Programs, 82 Stereo Multi-samples (2,706 Stereo Samples)
This library includes assertive electronic “MKS” and “DX” grand piano programs, “L.A.” type grand piano layer sounds, lively strings-based, tines-based and reeds-based pianos, tons of unheard FM style pianos, and soulful “Claw iNet” sounds. All is bringing an extraordinary range of sonic flavors, brilliant and soft, rich and resonant, luminous and lush, for your powerful music arrangements.

EXs277 KApro Supreme Sax Mark II
(USD $29.00)
Contents: Approximately 1.5 GB of PCM samples (needs approximately 76 MB of Virtual Memory), 128 Programs, 32 Wave Sequences, 48 Stereo Multi-samples, 30 Mono Multi-samples
The KApro EXs277 “Supreme Sax Mark II” library is a virtual saxophone collection that is ideal for music composition and live music. It delivers the finest sampled sounds with extremely detailed playability, ideal for every production.

KApro EXs139 + EXs277 “Supreme Sax” Bundle
(USD $49.00)
KApro offers all KRONOS users the KApro EXs139 + EXs277 "Supreme Sax" Bundle at a great price! This bundle includes the two KApro EXs Sample Libraries: EXs139 "Supreme Sax" and EXs277 "Supreme Sax Mark II" for the KORG KRONOS.
Kelfar Technologies has released one EXs updated library which includes fine tunings on Drum Kits.

EXs174 Kelfar Master Percussionist
(USD $199.00)
Contents: Approximately 108 MB of PCM samples, 1944 Drumsamples, 41 Programs [U-AA], 38 Drum Kits [U-AA/BB/CC].
EXs174 Master Percussionist offers a set of 41 [U-AA] original programs that emulate the actual acoustic instruments with astounding realism. Dumbek (both fish skin, and plastic heads), Riq (tambourine), Mazhar, Tar (frame drum, sizes 12",16", 18", 20", 24"), Katem, Dahola, Bongos, Tabil, Naqrazan, Kassor, Mirwas, Zeer, Claps, Sagat, and many other instruments were recorded at multiple dynamic levels and strike strengths to provide the ultimate in high-definition realism.
Kid Nepro has released five EXs updated libraries and five KRS updated libraries which focus mainly on the Kronos2 preload for Combinations and Drum Tracks.

EXs80 Kid Nepro Vintage Synths (USD $69.00)
EXs81 Kid Nepro Vintage Synths 2 (USD $69.00)
EXs82 Kid Nepro Hit Factory (USD $69.00)
EXs83 Kid Nepro Electric Guitars (USD $69.00)
EXs84 Kid Nepro Wave Machine (USD $69.00)
KRS-80 Kid Nepro KRONOS Soundtrack (USD $39.00)
KRS-81 Kid Nepro Sonix Bliss (USD $39.00)
KRS-82 Kid Nepro Dark Energy (USD $39.00)
KRS-83 Kid Nepro Analog Sensation (USD $39.00)
KRS-84 Kid Nepro EXi Super Synth (USD $39.00)
Sounds of Planet has released a new KRS library.

KRS-113 Sounds of Planet Greatest Hits - 80’s
(USD $59.00)
Contents: 32 Combinations, 80 KARMA User GE
This library provides a wide range of well known hits from the golden era of music in the 1980s. All the tunes you know are now on your Kronos, professionally prepared and ready to play and enjoy.