minilogue xd module
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- Güncellemeler - minilogue xd / xd module / xd PW Sistem Güncellemesi v2.1.0 artık hazır!
- 2019.11.08
- Updates - minilogue xd System Updater v2.00 and Sound Librarian v1.0.5 are now available! (November 29, 2019 updated)
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- KORG Software Bundle: Expansion of bundled products and extension of the free trial period for Skoove premium plan.
KORG’un yeni nesil analog synthesizer'ının
uzun zamandır beklenen masaüstü modülü
minilogue xd modülü, özelleştirilebilir dijital multi-engine bölümü ve dahili stereo dijital efektlere sahip dört sesli polifonik analog synthesizer olan minilogue xd'nin yeni masaüstü modülüdür.
Masaüstü modülü, klavyeli modeliyle aynı özelliklere sahiptir, yalnızca klavyeniz veya DAW'ınız için ek bir ses modülü olarak değil, aynı zamanda mükemmel bir performans sunar ve setup'ınıza analog bir polifonik synth eklemek için kolay bir yol sunar. Aynı zamanda başka bir minilogue xd veya minilogue xd modülüne bağlamanıza izin veren bir çoklu-zincir fonksiyonu ile donatılmıştır, böylece iki ünite stüdyonuzda veya sahnede toplamda sekize kadar ses içeren bir poli-synth olarak çalışabilir.
Minilogue xd seslerini kurulumunuza veya sisteminize ekleyin!
minilogue xd module - Tanıtım Filmi
Analog bir synthesizer devresi ve dijital multi-engine ile donatılmıştır
Minilogue xd'nin ses yapısı 2VCO + MULTI-ENGINE, 1VCF, 2EG, 1VCA ve 1LFO'dan oluşur. Seride bulunan, osilatörün üst tonlarını şekillendiren wave shape ve bir sync/ring anahtarı gibi ayırt edici devrelere ek olarak, çapraz modülasyon, hem keskin hem de geniş olabilen iki kutuplu bir filtre ve hacim katan ve sinyali minilogue xd'nin filtresine yönlendiren drive anahtarı da mevcut. Her parametre, müzisyenlerin synth'lerinden ne istediklerini temel alarak detaylı bir şekilde ayarlanmıştır. Sesler, tipik olarak sıcak padlerden dolgun baslara ve her durumu kapsayan net seslere kadar değişmektedir.
Dijital sesin ilave ses tasarımı olanakları multi-engine tarafından sağlanır: iki analog VCO'ya ek olarak üçüncü osilatördür. Üç farklı tipte ses üreteci (noise, VPM ve açık kaynaklı kullanıcı osilatörleri) ile donatılmış olan bu ses üretici, analogdan farklı bir ses karakterinden faydalanmanıza ve analog seslerle aynı anda kullanmanıza izin veriyor. hibrid ses tasarımı ile xd modülün potansiyelini sınırsız genişletiyor.
High-quality digital effects
minilogue xd’s high-quality digital effects use 32-bit floating point DSP processing, adding a finishing touch to its deep sound design platform. The three types (modulation effects, reverb, and delay) can be used simultaneously, letting you choose from a wide range of variations including chorus, ensemble, warm tape delay, and a diverse variety of reverb. The user effect slots allow you to load your own effect programs that you've created.
User customization brings out infinite potential
The minilogue xd features a customizable open-source environment. The unit comes with 16 user oscillator slots and 16 user effect slots that you can customize. Oscillators and user programs that you’ve created with the SDK (Software Development Kit) can be loaded into the minilogue xd via the dedicated librarian software, as well as oscillators other users share online.
What sounds can you create using the fusion of expanded digital oscillators with analog synthesis? Create original programs, share code, and participate in the user community. KORG even provides sample code to get you started.
Polyphonic Step Sequencer
One of the major features of the minilogue xd series is its 16-step step sequencer. Each of the factory-preset programs has an embedded sequence pattern created with performance in mind.
The step sequencer provides 16 steps, and supports both realtime recording and step recording. You can use the 16 step buttons to select a step directly, allowing quick editing to replace the pitch of a step or to mute it, or even improvisatory performances. Motion sequence lets you record the movements of up to four knobs, adding time-varying change to the sound, and you can record not only smooth changes in value but also values that change precisely at each step. You can use this to have different parameter values at each step; for example, you might create a drum pattern or sound effect from just a single program. This allows countless ideas to be unleashed.
When you turn Keyboard mode on, these 16 buttons operate as a keyboard of more than an octave, providing a convenient way to check the sound.
Poly chain support
The minilogue xd module can be used in conjunction with another unit (*2) in the minilogue xd series (*1) for poly assignment settings. Specify one unit as the master and the other as the slave, and they will play as an eight-voice polyphonic synthesizer (*3). This supports a variety of uses, such as a voice-expansion module for the minilogue xd or as a sound module for a DAW-based production system.
*1: For keyboard-equipped models, supported in system ver. 1.10 or later.
*2: Any combination of the xd and xd module can be used.
*3: The two xd units can each play four voices, for a maximum total of eight voices. The master unit takes priority for producing notes, and the fifth and subsequent voices are assigned to the slave unit.
Free bundle of music software
The minilogue xd module comes with a diverse variety of music software from Izotope including “Ozone Elements” which lets you not only create songs but also master them using AI, “Skoove” which will help you improve your keyboard playing skills, “Reason Lite” DAW software, as well as software synths from KORG and other brands.
In other words, the moment you get your hands on this synthesizer you'll have a variety of tools to help you take your music to the next level.
Apps for iPad/iPhone
KORG Gadget 2 Le (music production studio DAW app)
KORG Module Le (piano/keyboard sound module app)
Software for Mac/Windows
KORG Collection - M1 Le (synthesizer sound module)
UVI Digital Synsations (synthesizer sound module)
AAS Ultra Analog Session (synthesizer sound module)
AAS Strum Session (acoustic guitar sound module)
AAS Lounge Lizard Session (electric piano sound module)
Propellerhead Reason Lite (DAW music production software)
Skoove free 3 month trial of Skoove Premium (online piano lesson)
KORG Gadget 2 Le for Mac (DAW music production software)
iZOTOPE Ozone Elements (Audio Mastering Plug-in Software)
- Controls
- KEYBOARD switch
- Poly chain function
- Two minilogue xd units can play up to eight voices polyphonically.
- Dimensions (W x D x H)
- 500 x 179 x 85 mm / 19.69" x 7.05" x 3.35"
- Weight
- 2.6 kg / 5.73 lbs.
* | All products names and specification names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. |
* | Appearance and specifications of products are subject to change without notice. |
Other specifications are identical to the minilogue xd.