This sound pack is a little different than most of the other packs available for the monologue. It's actually more of a “loop pack” - 30 drum and percussion loops for the KORG monologue.
Thanks to the monologue’s exceptional sequencer you can turn it into a drum machine, and using a monosynth that way can yield exciting, unique percussive loops and textures that you'd just never arrive at with conventional drum machines. Even though any of these programs can be played normally on the keyboard, the real fun comes when you start the sequencer. Each program is designed to be a standalone loop which you can use out of the box. The mod lever is set to offer instant tweaking gratification, but playing with the other parameters can reveal all sorts of new expressions. You can also try enabling and disabling the sequencer steps or tweaking the motion sequence and changing the notes in the sequence. (please note that because some of the patches rely on tempo-synced LFOs, you may need to restart the sequence after changing patches). These loops also sound great with additional processing - try adding compression, saturation, delay, reverb etc. in your DAW or on your mixing desk to enhance and augment the loops.
We hope that in addition to being fun loops to use in your own music, whether you use them as they come, or you tweak them to perfection, this pack demonstrates how you can create your own unique percussion loops on the monologue.

OscillatorSink is a synth enthusiast and educator who has created tutorials for a range of synths, including in-depth series on the Korg monologue and volca FM. He has also created a number of patch packs and tools for synths, including the free, web-based editor for the volca FM - “Synthmata” ( https://synthmata.com/volca-fm). You can check out his tutorials on his YouTube channel ( https://youtube.com/OscillatorSink).
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