Pitchblack mini GR/OR/PU
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Pick a tuner like you pick your sneakers.
The Pitchblack mini is now available in three vivid new colors.
The Pitchblack mini, popular for its slim space-saving design and reliable tuning, is now available in three new colors.
Your clothes and shoes are fashionable, so why should your tuner be a boring color? To match the flashy design of your effect units, you can now choose a Pitchblack mini in vivid color. Create a setup that will be inspiring, even when you just stand there holding your favorite guitar!
Choose from three colors: green (GR), orange (OR), and purple (PU).
Specifications other than body color are the same as the conventional model of the Pitchblack mini.
- Mini-size to easily fit on your pedalboard
- Large high-visibility display with easily readable note name indication
- Battery operation is supported
- Stabilizers prevent overturning
- Three meter display modes
- Ultra-high tuning accuracy of +/- 0.1 cents
- Adjustable calibration
- True bypass to have no effect on your tone
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