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True Analog Synthesis
The monotribe’s sound engine uses technology old and new, merging the powerful sound of analog synthesis with the dexterity and playability required in today’s groove making environments. Analog technology is essential for fast and responsive control, delivering the full sonic spectrum from warm and easy going to full-throttle rampage.
Three-Part Analog Drums
The monotribe provides a three-part rhythm section powered by discrete analog circuitry; bass drum, snare, and hi-hat. These three sounds were the key elements in a generation of analog beat making, and are still in demand today. Use these powerful drum sounds to generate distinctive beats attainable only from the monotribe.

Multi-Mode Ribbon Keyboard
The ribbon controller keyboard provides three selectable playing modes/ranges. The chromatic mode (KEY) is ideal for playing melodies and bass lines, and stepping smoothly from note to note. Switch to the continuous mode (NARROW) for glides and bends - just as on the monotron. Also available is the wide continuous mode (WIDE) with a six-fold pitch range for dramatic synth zaps and screams. In addition, pressing the Gate Time button will allow the gate time to be sequenced as the ribbon controller keyboard is played.
The Gate Time Hold function lets you use the ribbon controller keyboard to play and record new pitch information while retaining the gate times that are recorded in the sequencer.
Self-Tuning Analog
Analog synthesizers of yesteryear were prone to drift in pitch. But no more! The monotribe’s self-tuning circuitry provides stable chromatic playability, and will not go out of tune. This self-tuning technology also means no warm-up time, no servicing for pitch calibration, and no sensitivity to temperature changes – just the great sound of an analog VCO.
Sync In Jack supports CV/Gate Input
The Sync In jack allows the monotribe to be controlled via the keyboard of a KORG KingKORG, or other analog devices that have a CV/Gate Output jack.
Classic Analog Components – VCO, LFO, VCA
The VCO offers a choice between sawtooth, triangle and square waves. White noise can be mixed into the oscillator signal in any amount desired. The Octave selector covers a broad range, from deep bass to piercing lead-lines.
Three EG (Envelope Generator) presets provide the VCA with impressive versatility and dexterity. The LFO can be patched to the VCO and/or the VCF, creating impressive dynamic effects. The Range switch allows the LFO to deliver stirring cyclic changes over tens of seconds (SLOW) or superfast (FAST) audio-range FM ringing. Switching the LFO Mode to the 1-shot setting allows the LFO behave as a second envelope generator – a truly powerful addition!
Vintage MS-10/MS-20 Filter
The monotribe features the same VCF circuit that can be found on Korg's classic MS-10 and MS-20 analog semi-patchable synthesizers. Distinctively analog, this sharp and powerful filter adds dramatic change to the sound, imparting the uniquely memorable character of Korg’s early analog synthesizers. Using the audio input, any audio source can be enhanced by passing through the filter section. Process an instrument, a voice, or a complete mix from CD or MP3 and create larger than life filter effects!