Cu greutate redusa si simplu de folosit
- o claviatura de scena pe care o puteti folosi cu adevarat.
Claviatura de scena VOX Continental 73 BK ofera sunetele de care aveti nevoie cel mai mult, toate intr-o singura unitate: PIANO, E.PIANO, ORGAN, si KEY/LAYER (inclusiv alamuri, coarde si mai multe). Comenzile de pe panoul frontal au fost proiectate in jurul acestor patru parti, astfel incat cei care canta prima data la acest instrument se vor invata foarte rapid cu el. Cu interfata sa simpla si intuitiva, interpretii pot avea acces instantaneu la efectele master, EQ si functia valve drive alimentata de lampa Nutube.
Unitatea este fabricata folosind componente metalice pentru un design robust, iar claviatura usoara asigura usurinta si control in interpretare, toate acestea aduse impreuna intr-un instrument subtire, compact si usor. Portabilitatea sa excelenta il face partenerul perfect pentru interpretii care isi doresc un instrument la care pot canta cu usurinta indiferent unde se afla.
- Acces instantaneu la sunetele pe care le doriti, cu patru parti sonice independente.
- Control tactil intuitiv pentru drawbars si EQ.
- Nutube incorporat pentru un sunet autentic de lampi cu vid.
- Potentiometrul DYNAMICS va permite sa reglati echilibrul dintre forta exercitata asupra clapelor si sunetul generat, pentru a se potrivi preferintelor dumneavoastra.
- Claviatura usoara cu profil waterfall reduce greutatea generala a instrumentului.
- Pozitii de memorie scene pentru a salva setarile dumneavoastra preferate.
- Efectele master incorporate consolideaza sunetul general.
- O pedala VOX V861, special proiectata pentru a fi folosita cu aceasta unitate, este inclusa in pachet.
- Corp negru cu textura de piele, accentuat prin panourile laterale din lemn care ii confera un aspect vintage.
Nota 1: Sunetele interne program sunt aceleasi de la versiunea cu panoul frontal rosu, VOX Continental v2.0.
Nota 2: Panourile laterale din lemn sunt incluse pentru modelul BK cu 73 de clape si pot fi atasate in cazul in care aveti nevoie.
Acces instantaneu la sunetele pe care le doriti, cu patru parti independente de sunete.
VOX Continental 73 BK prezinta un buton part select care face usoara trecerea intre partile E.PIANO, PIANO, KEY/LAYER si ORGAN pentru a folosi imediat sunetele de care aveti nevoie. Comenzile individuale de pe panoul frontal pentru fiecare parte va permit sa selectati variatiile, sa setati nivelurile si multe altele. Setarile pentru aceste patru parti sunt salvate impreuna intr-o singura scena. Aasati doua butoane part in acelasi timp pentru a reda ambele sunete impreuna in layere.
E. PIANO part
Trei motoare de sunet pentru pian electric sunt puse la dispozitia dumneavoastra. TINE este cel mai reprezentativ sunet de pian electric. Impreuna cu TINE, REED este folosit in multe melodii celebre. FM prezinta sunetul metalic adesea auzit in melodii ale anilor '80. Acesta este un pian electric cu sunet FM de inalta definitie, care a fost atent creat pentru a fi bogat in armonice, folosind un model de generator de sunet realist cu modeling de amp si cabinet.
PIANO part
Dispune de trei categorii de sunete, inclusiv GRAND cu sampling de inalta calitate a unui pian cu coada, un sunet de UPRIGHT care este usor de folosit in contexte precum muzica pop si un sunet E.GRAND care este adesea auzit in muzica anilor '70. Sunetele GRAND si UPRIGHT merg pana la capat cu sunete stereo sampled de inalta rezolutie fara looping pe intreaga intindere a claviaturii pentru a recrea de la sunetele cele mai delicate ale pianului la cele mai puternice.
Acest part prezinta sase categorii de sunete care includ KEY (clavinet, orga si altele), BRASS (sunete de alamuri si suflatori), STRINGS (coarde si cor), LEAD, SYNTH si OTHER. Aceste sunete iti pun la dispozitie puterea de a aborda o gama larga de genuri muzicale folosind doar acest instrument, oferind sunete care pot fi folosite simultan in layers impreuna cu sunetul de pian si alte parts.
ORGAN part
Acest part prezinta trei motoare de sunet diferite. Motorul de sunet CX-3 tonewheel organ modeleaza sunetul lui KORG CX-3 combo organ si functioneaza foarte bine pentru orice gen muzical de la rock la pop. Motorul de sunet VOX transistor organ reda un sunet unic de inalta calitate si reproduce perfect fiecare detaliu al modelului original VOX Continental din anii 1960. Generatorul de sunet COMPACT transistor organ ofera un sunet caracteristic "ieftin", reproduce sunetul acestei orgi compacte care a fost lansata aproximativ in aceeasi perioada cu orga VOX. Aceste sunete ofera "touch control" care va permite sa folositi degetele pentru a controla armonia si tonul, similar unor drawbars reale.
CX-3 si VOX va permit sa schimbati intre upper (registru acut al claviaturii) si lower (registrul grav al claviaturii) sau sa creati un split prin simpla atingere a unui buton. Puteti conecta de asemenea o claviatura MIDI externa pentru a interpreta partea upper la instrument si partea lower la claviatura externa MIDI, la fel ca cele doua claviaturi ale unei orgi. Desigur, puteti folosi de asemenea vibrato/chorus si simularea de difuzor rotary si puteti folosi maneta bend din lateral pentru a schimba viteza efectului de difuzor rotary in timpul interpretarii.
Control tactil intuitiv pentru drawbars si EQ
Afisajul LED cu noua linii din partea stanga a panoului face mai usor de urmarit statutul setarilor si functioneaza de asemenea ca un controller. Trei meniuri de control sunt selectabile folosind acest senzor tactil, cand este selectat ORGAN acesta functioneaza in principal ca un drawbar pentru a modela acel sunet. Cand KEY/LAYER este selectat, acesta este folosit pentru a controla parametri filtru si Envelope Generator. Cand EQ este selectat, puteti controla caracterul tonal folosind cele noua benzi ale egalizatorului.
Nutube on board for an authentic vacuum tube sound.
This unit features a vacuum tube distortion effect that works especially well with organ and electric piano sounds. The Nutube vacuum tube-powered valve drive lets you create rich harmonics that are impossible to create using modeling, for a warm vacuum tube sound with smooth distortion. You can use the dedicated button to turn valve drive on/off. The amount of effect used can be adjusted in detail using the knob, and you can see how much effect is applied by looking at the brightness of the LED that lights the Nutube.
Nutube: the new vacuum tube
Adding stunning presence and warm valve drive sound, the Nutube is a new type of vacuum tube developed by KORG in conjunction with Noritake Itron Corporation. As with conventional vacuum tubes, the vacuum tube is constructed with an anode grid filament, and operates as a complete triode tube. Further, the Nutube offers the characteristically rich harmonics that create the vacuum tube sound. The tube construction utilizes technology from vacuum fluorescent displays to create a vacuum tube that uses far less power than previous vacuum tubes, with a more compact design and better quality.
DYNAMICS knob lets you adjust the balance between your key touch and the sound generated to match your preferences.
The balance between your key touch and the sound generated determines how the instrument responds to what you play on the keyboard. Your preferences will vary considerably depending on whether you play jazz music (which requires a delicate touch with expressiveness) or rock music (which calls for loud volumes with a strong key press), a gap that’s difficult to fill using only the velocity curve settings. For this reason, this unit features a DYNAMICS knob that gives you even more detailed control over the volume and how the sound changes according to how hard or soft you play the keys. Turn the knob counterclockwise to get the full range of inflection with velocity, and turn the knob clockwise for a stronger sound with more uniformity in volume. This makes it easy to choose the setting you want according to your playing style.
Light-touch keyboard with waterfall keys brings down the overall weight of the unit.
The VOX Continental 73 BK features a light-touch keyboard with waterfall keys that are suitable for playing glissandos. The keyboard is also semi-weighted, giving the keys a stable playing feel when using piano or electric piano sounds, offering for a superior key touch. Owing Due to its keyboard and lightweight body design, the instrument weighs 8.4 kg (excluding the included wooden side panels), which brings it under the 10 kg class while still being a 73-key stage keyboard. This instrument can be easily carried with the SC-Continental 73 soft case, (sold separately).
Scene memory lets you save your preferred settings.
The VOX Continental 73 BK lets you register up to 64 scenes (4 scenes × 4 banks × 4), which include combinations of sounds in four parts, the master effect and so on. These scenes can be easily recalled using the buttons at the bottom of the touch control. You can also connect a USB flash drive (commercially available) to the USB port on the back of this instrument to save and load up to 100 sets of scenes, so you can always use the same settings by bringing the USB flash drive to the place where you’ll be performing with the VOX Continental 73 BK.
Three series of master effects plus EQ are available. The first stage is an insert effect to the master, with six selectable types including chorus, phaser and wah. You can turn the effects on/off and make basic adjustments to the parameters. The second-stage delay and reverb are sends from the master, with four types of delay and five types of reverb. The third stage includes a nine-band EQ that can be set using the touch controller. The final stage features a valve drive circuit with Nutube.
A VOX V861 pedal is included, specially designed for use with this unit.
A volume/expression pedal (V861) is provided for use with this keyboard. The V861 features a compact, sturdy aluminum housing with a high-class black anodized aluminum finish, and is equipped with two INPUT/OUTPUT jacks and one EXPRESSION jack for controlling the volume or wah effect.
Leather texture black body accented with wooden side panels that add a vintage look.
The lLeather texture black body of this instrument perfectly matches any stage, and the instrument comes with a set of dark brown wooden side panels. Attach these panels onto the keyboard according to your preferences. The body is made of sturdy sheet metal and many lightweight aluminum. These materials offer a slim and compact product design with superior durability and portability.
* Attachable Wooden Side Panels are a special accessory for the 73key BK model only.