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Poti deveni o parte din mostenire impreuna cu ARP ODYSSEY FS Kit.

In 2015, istoria ARP a intrat puternic sub lumina reflectoarelor odata cu reinvierea lui ARP Odyssey. Fanii synth din jurul lumii au fost in extaz - reiteratiile autentice ale unora dintre cele mai legendare si recunoscute sintetizatoare ARP au fost in sfarsit dezvaluite. De la ARP ODYSSEY FS cu claviatura sa de dimensiuni intregi, la mult asteptatele ARP 2600 FS si ARP 2600 M, sintetizatoarele ARP stateau din nou in fruntea scenei muzicii moderne.

Acum, cu lansarea lui ARP ODYSSEY FS Kit, muzicienii sunt incurajati sa ia in propriile maini mostenirea ARP.

Ramanand fidel lui ARP Odyssey FS, acest kit foloseste circuitele analogice exacte, pastrand astfel caldura originala si sunetele bogate pe care am ajuns cu totii sa le indragim. Acest kit este are toate specificatiile originale ale modelului Rev. 3 cu claviatura de dimensiune intreaga si panou negru cu litere portocalii. Si pentru a face asamblarea lui Odyssey mai simpla, un ghid cu poze este inclus; nu aveti nevoie de cunostinte tehnice sau lipituri.

ARP Odyssey FS Kit este un instrument one-of-a-kind pentru colectionari. Pentru a comemora experienta unica de a-l construi tu insuti, se distinge de orice alt ARP Odyssey cu propriul sau numar serial gravat pe o eleganta placuta metalica.

Cu acest kit, pe langa faptul ca vei avea la dispozitie ravnitul sunet ARP folosit de muzicieni legendari in ultimi 50 de ani, dar vei putea sa asamblezi instrumentul cu propriile tale maini. Speram ca veti face din acest special ARP ODYSSEY un instrument one-of-a-kind doar pentru voi.




A full-sized ARP ODYSSEY with a standard keyboard

Featuring a spacious panel layout with faders that are smooth to operate, and a standard-sized keyboard for excellent playability, it's just what the synthesizer lover or keyboardist has been waiting for. Most of all, its weight and essence are the precise image of the original ARP Odyssey. With analog sound that has already established a firm reputation, it is fair to say that this is a true resurrection of the ARP ODYSSEY. Now you can obtain a full-sized ARP ODYSSEY that's perfect in every area including sound, stability, appearance, and size, but with the reliability of a brand new synth.

The distinctive synthesis of the ARP Odyssey has been reproduced from the circuit level up

The original ARP Odyssey was a 2VCO duo-phonic instrument. Its most distinctive feature was its sharp, penetrating sound and its rich range of tonal variation. With a variety of functions and modulation possibilities provided by oscillator sync, sample & hold, pulse width modulation, high-pass filter, two types of envelope generator, and pitch bend using the PPC, it was able to create a versatile range of sounds.

The ARP Odyssey reproduces the sounds of these components at the circuit level.

Filters of all three generations are provided

Broadly speaking, there were three versions of the original ARP Odyssey, divided by the date of production, with the major difference being the filter circuit. The ARP Odyssey provides all three of these different filter circuits, and allows you to select one of them with a single switch.

TYPE I (Rev1) is a 12 dB/Oct circuit that produces a sharp, punchy sound. TYPE II (Rev2) is a 24 dB/Oct filter with great-sounding lows. TYPE III (Rev3) maintains excellent stability even when resonance is raised. These distinctive filters have been reproduced just as they originally were.


Free bundle of music software

The ARP ODYSSEY FS Kit comes with a diverse variety of music software from Izotope including “Ozone Elements” which lets you not only create songs but also master them using AI, “Skoove” which will help you improve your keyboard playing skills, “Reason Lite” DAW software, as well as software synths from KORG and other brands.

In other words, the moment you get your hands on this synthesizer you'll have a variety of tools to help you take your music to the next level.

About the Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

Alan R. Pearlman was nicknamed “ARP” as a kid growing up in New York City, so it seemed the perfect name for a company he co-founded when he was later designing electronic musical instruments. After leaving NASA, Pearlman Established ARP as an outlet for the creation of instruments known for their sound quality. Pearlman created the ARP 2500 in 1970 and then the classic ARP Odyssey and ARP 2600. One of Pearlman’s key skills was that he was able to build oscillators that stayed in tune and even developed a cordless patching technique using a matrix of switches. Arp Instruments built a legacy as a great leader in the growth and development of the electronic musical market.

Founded in 2019, the Alan R. Pearlman Foundation was created by Dina Pearlman, Alan Pearlman’s daughter, to honor the legacy of her father. The mission of the ARP Foundation is to celebrate Pearlman by making his inventions publicly accessible, and inspiring future generations to imagine and create.

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